All your Picnic adventures can be shared with your friends by using Mobypicture. All your photos, videos and audio content are shared throughout all your social sites like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, your blog and many more. Especially for PICNIC we're also aggregating your content for all the other participants and other people who are interested in the program and your thoughts.
How to share your stuff at PICNIC09?
If you already have an account, just use Moby as usual.
1. Tag your content with #picnic09, or
2. sign up for the event (tagging will be done for you), or
3. just post your content with your location (we're aggregating everything during the event at the PICNIC site)
How can you get started with Moby if you don't have an account yet? You can post to Moby using many different apps. (we have a native iPhone and Android client, a Nokia Share Online configuration, or use your favorite Twitter App). You can also post using email or MMS (post to or use the (mobile) webupload. Just sign up and setup your service
Moby loves Twitter
If you have a Twitter account, you can kickstart your Moby account. Just post something using your Twitter credentials.
We automatically create your account, set up your Twitter service, copy your avatar and user info.
To get started post to