Meeting at the Wellington Park Hotel now! & 6:00pm :)
Think we're back, tried a tweet, a retweet now a pic...Steve Matthew sharing a real, relevant & practical word
If you want to share our experience of Jesus get in touch we'll help you discover this joy
Charl Gambill - if u dont know Jesus u might think what r these pple getting so excited about?
ALC is buzzing with the presence of God this morning - its soooo good to be this alive!
@CharlGambill reminds us of our commitment "I give my life" - all of it! To honour You.
We love You Lord, We worship You, You are our God, Our Saviour King - a packed church sings praise.
Forever be praised...light of the World... Your selfless surrender #lyric #praise Matt Hooper leads this morning
Church starts offering praise to the God of our Salvation - Jesus lives & His church is alive!
The Big Give starts at ALC Bradford, Wapping Rd with a dads present wrapping competition!
Church News - Tree of kindness, sign up today, beauty & beast nxt week, Family funday, Christmas Give, join us! Chk out
Carols with a twist in #church this morning, like the horn section :)
Carols with a twist in #church this morning, like the horn section :)
A welcome #church gathers this morning, join us? Wapping Rd, Bradford UK 10:30 & 18:00 part of making Christmas special!
God almighty, Lord of Glory, U have called me friend! #lyric We rejoice in the friendship of r Saviour Jesus
Crowds gathering at ALC in Bradford, in Bradford, head for Wapping Road quick! Bring your kids too! c u soon
I dont need to see it to believe it, i can,t shake this fire deep inside me....#lyric #church worships
Living with repeated breakthrough - Learn to bounce back
Pastor Andre Olivier from Rivers Church Johannesburg speaking to us today on "living a life of repeated breakthrough"
Paul Scanlon talks of Xcel Foundation & support of the Christmas giveaway that reaches children in need
You are our God, none gr8r, none higher, unchanging, unfailing, all praise to you our Saviour #lyric
#Church alive & rocking this morning - God our Saviour, we will not be shaken, nothing separates us frm the love of God
Take a look at the words on the screen  we believe, How Great You Are #lyric #Xcel09
@Matklstevens leading the opener 9:30 #xcel09 men do early morning praise in Bradford

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