Amazing first Doctor, second Doctor and swinging 60s Dodo Chaplet. #SDCC
Just got a free Flaming C T-shirt. #SDCC
The girls sleeping in a hammock.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone
After a particular taxing story time.
Best #Channel101 pilots I've seen for a while. No arty or pretensious duds.
My #Channel101 votes
My votes for March 2011 #channel101 screening.
Zoe's "princess" sonic screwdriver at #GallifreyOne

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with y
Zoe fighting fires with Bert and Ernie.
Almost voted for new ep of Everything at Ch 101 but these are my final votes.
Pizza day at Griffith Park.
Athena's Xmas show costume
Our Fairy princess

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit www.veri
Thanksgiving crafts have come so far since turkey drawings using the outline of your hand.
A package from Nana.
Athena's Halloween party at school.
A lovely parting gift from Devon's and my pitch meeting at #BadRobot

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capt
The girls as butterfly and "pink sparkly tiger."
Princess time.
Robots are our friends.
Athena and Zoe meet a celeb.

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To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visi
What's Sweeny Todd doing with Alice in Wonderland? #SDCC

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Andy Nordvall

Chinatown, Los Angeles

Screenwriter, web producer, co-founder Masters of Humility, lover AND fighter



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