@thouk11 ref hug!! BYUFootball
She was purty!!  #rainbowtrout
Yep I fished in this today!  Why? because I am an idiot and the fish were biting!! #largemouthbass
Some kids feed the seagulls...my kids feed Eagles .  Same bird that stole our fish a couple of weeks ago #Strawberry
Charger fans
#Manziel you were wrong
Lol Bronson
Good job good effort Bronson
Whoa he grabbed his breasts!!  "That looks like fun" #BYU
@eagle88me #cougarbait #byu
@BeautYdUde @bigunclepooh #cougarbait
@UtahDWR at work
Solid start to the day #bigfish
While you are all playing with Chappy this is what I have been playing with #icefishing #icefishingutah
@Kevin4byu @fuegote @Jonnybgbold @bigunclepooh yes wear red!!
I have a 6 yr old that can teach #BYU how to play defense!
#Gaeltears #BYU
@KingRanch51 @Koti_Samani #cougarbait #2
@Koti_Samani #cougarbait
Kid gets slapped at #HomeRunDerby
Blowin stuff up behind my house

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BYU , Utah Jazz and Atlanta Braves If you are easily offended you may not want to follow...BYU's best #halfassfan


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