#Eureka7AO ep12 blog pic A #anime
#Eureka7AO ep13 blog pic A #anime
#Eureka7AO ep12 & 13 collage #anime
#Eureka7AO ep12 & 13 title pic #anime
Of course I'm not actually writing from a train.  I'm using the Relax Melodies app to simulate it.  But it still works.
#Eureka7AO ep11 blog pic B
#Eureka7AO ep11 blog pic A #anime
#Eureka7AO ep11 COLLAGE #anime
#Eureka7AO ep11 title pic #anime
Part of my G+ is debating on whether Domino's advocating rape or not. If I were immortal I wouldn't have time for this shit.
#GundamAGE ep38: yes!  I get it!  The girl died!  It's sad!  Can we please move on!?  #anime
Way to go, moron.  You just put the lives of countless ppl in danger just so you can ease a little girl's pain. #GundamAGE #anime
What they're talking about makes me think you could connect this dries to Gundam X. #GundamAGE ep37
WTF is this, a space colony or Unicron?! #GundamAGE #anime
#GundamAGE ep36: Kio, you idiot!  Looks like it's the super pilot's time to shine. #anime
You g0tdamn crazy, awesome old bastard!  This is more insane than bringing the Strike back into service. #GundamAGE #anime
#GundamAGE ep35: wait, what just happened? #anime
#GundamAGE ep34: pushing that pirate theme a bit hard aren't we... Asemu?! #anime
#GundamAGE ep33: well done episode.  Zeheart is still a coddled loser though. #anime
#Eureka7AO ep10 blog pic #anime
#Eureka7AO ep10 collage #anime
#Eureka7AO ep10 title pic #anime
Holy cow!  I love a team that reps Spider-Man!  That was amazing! #EVO2012 #UMVC3
Gotta love internet comments sometimes. "Dude is just fat, bro" #fb

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Hip-Hop, Jazz, Anime, Gadgets & Tech. If you give a d@mn about any of this I'm game.


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