Brilliant dawn a little later the same morning - and no, no colour-tweaking - just a little underexposed
Yesterday morning through the mist - Bottom to top - #Mars #Venus #Jupiter (with hint of moons)
#Moondog or #paraselene east of the #moon in #Cetus this morning just after midnight
Top to bottom: #Venus #Jupiter #Mars #Mercury #Earth at  6:46BST this morning
#Mercury and to its left star #Porrima (gamma virginis) at 6.51BST this morning
Pre-dawn Shropshire - Four planets & Earth at 6.40BST on 13th Oct - Annotated
#Mercury in pre-dawn light from #Shropshire at 6.48BST yesterday morning
Left to right: #Jupiter #Mars & #Venus at 05.44UT this morning
#Mars (top) & #Jupiter with (bottom to top) moons #Callisto #Europa & #Ganymede this morning
#Mercury rises in Shropshire this morning
From bottom: #Mercury #Jupiter #Mars #Venus at 5.40UT this morning
Before I give up on this non-driven #Orion pic - one last attempt to salvage it
Bottom to top: #Mercury #Jupiter #Mars #Venus at 6.48BST this morning
#Orion in the light pollution and vignetting just before 5am this morning
Okay - here's one that's at least the right way up #Jupiter #Mars #Venus
Question mark in the sky at 5am this morning - #Jupiter lowest, then #Mars - #Venus brightest
Left to right: #Jupiter #Mars rho Leonis #Regulus #Moon #Venus this morning at 0353UT
The golden crescent #Moon and #Venus this morning at 0338UT in #Shropshire
Waning crescent #moon and #Venus in broad daylight at 8.01BST this morning
After the #aurorae had died down last night - light pollution filter
#Aurora from #Shropshire UK last night - LP filter
Faint green #aurora visible through blazing white LED #Shropshire streetlights at 9.30BST last night
Shadow leaves the moon at the end of the umbral stage of the #eclipse
Novel colours as totality approached in last night's #eclipse

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Edwin Quail

Shropshire UK

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