This is how you park a bus when you have limited parking space. 

(At Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture.)
Just tried the new Azuki bean flavoured Pepsi and I must say it is ok.
Kannon bõsatsu statue at the side of the road in Hadano.
Giant Kannon bõsatsu statue at Hayakawa.
We'll help out defending against the Toyotomi army!
Shõhei, Tetsuya and Musashi pose with a Hõjõ Samurai.
Shõhei is enlisted to help the Hõjõ Samurai fend off the Toyotomi siege lines!
Posing with the Samurai at the reenactment of the battle of Odawara at the ruins of Ichiya castle at Hayakawa.
Jizõ bosatsu.
May peace prevail on Earth.
Impermanence. All is subject to decay.
A farmer tending to his rice.
Farmers tending to their rice.
This years rice is coming along nicely. Harvesting time coming up soon.
Nikon D90 mounted to the handlebars of my mountain bike with a Gorillapod by Joby. -
I've mounted my Nikon D90 to the handlebars of my mountain bike. Hopefully video footage won't be so bumpy!
The rice is almost ready for harvesting, just a little while longer.
Rice fields in my neighbourhood teaming with life: frogs, crayfish, birds, snakes, turtles are in abundance.

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Junpei Hayakawa

iPhone: 35.364380,139.352310

The mind is the Buddha, the Buddha is the mind. - teachings from Genshin, a Zen Buddhist monk in Hiratsuka City Kanagawa prefecture, Japan.



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