@ThePixarTimes Here’s mine. I re-seeded it and added/subtracted a few.
Hey @TomAThakkar, I think you were lied to and the UNCG coach fathered you as a #cooltween.
“Yeah, for a while there I played bass in David Koresh”
@JPPrice @MikeMillerHT I mean...
@leeunkrich You bought my son the talking Hector doll for Christmas!
This translator is possibly my favorite person.
46 years after Charles Manson was convicted, here’s a new and interesting take on the former cult leader.
@hellohannahgray now?
My feelings on my & anyone else’s birthday above the age of 13, as told by two high school kids on Hulu’s The Path.
@kashnerd Here, watch this instead of listening to that bag of shit:
Piling on the CNN coverage: this just happened.
This is a 6 year old boy.

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Jared Thompson

Bloomington, IN

I will revive Rick Moranis!


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