Moved my shit to the couch.. Ass went numb on these weak chairs
Your my boy blue #savethewhales  @D_beez
Raiders are about to have a big year. #watchout
At least some of my friends are "real"
Everyone in my room is passed the fuck out. I guess that means we went hard.
Do I look faded? #fact
Chuggin Water. Takin a little lunch break
@D_beez resting before we hit the streets....
My girl always holdin me down
Hey  @KrystelBockholt did you take this when you had my phone? #hot
This app is crazy! Tells you when your in a deep sleep.. #crazy
Call me the Fire Man
@D_beez BOLD move. Lol #swag
On a better note.. Why is my best friend  @TomWort1 so beautiful.. #theyarebrothers
@TomWort1 look I'm on your shoulder... #ahhhhgreeeeeaat
You heard it here first  @DrewAllen1 shit is going down.
@DrewAllen1 when your good your good
I'm not sure if this is a good or bad thing... But of corse I accepted a lovely fruit basket
Old school.. Pops and G pops gangsta shit
@DrewAllen1 You in 2 years
@DrewAllen1 speed check?

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..Take a walk in my shoes.. #CHEEZYPRODUCTIONS


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