@JustLazio wwwwwwww
Finally arrived after 10hrs of driving. This is the view from my cabin. One word: peaceful...
BC is just gorgeous. If Unicorns were real, they would've lived here...
@Sara_wolf As I promised...
Woke up with a massive headache from the drumming at the festival last night...
At Jericho Folk Music Club. Everyone is heaping am instrument and playing along. This is too much fun...
The Germans are marching towards the cup...
Irish tap dancing is the cutest dance ever...
@JustLazio They all sound the same to me, you tell me :D
@Soumz lol, listen to what they just played in the arena...
Another video clip from the  @ConanOBrien sound check #labamba
At @ConanOBrien sound check

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Vancouver, Canada

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