Fideua giant paella
I failed as President of France
Just landed in Madrid and having tapas, what else
The Internet is closed today
Showing off 3 palm pres
Violet and Dotben
The cake
TechCrunch birthday
Scoble launching building 43
At the first round capital party it's cool and packed with gr8 people
Got brand new kitesurfing gear :)
Thats a cool bar design
It should be green
TechCrunch Fellow awards
Houston's ribs
Zynga's Facebook taco truck
At the Facebook platform birthday party
Brunch at the foreign cinema with the family
Cory Booker @biz and Randi Zuckerberg
At the allthingsD conference
Boarding to SF
I am wearing a tie!
The Google France team in full action
How I follow the Google Zeitgeist event

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