Bongo 2 yrs old. 2nd time in trailer
Ben 19 months old. 2nd time in trailer
Raven... 2yrs 2nd time in trailer.
430.. 12 months old.
Female 1st time in trailer
This is a typical pup from @ 7 weeks.
Pocket Rocket
Part #1.. little civil work for the 11 month old. Grips and impact is perfect!
Irondogk9 & Dog Fighter
Hunt drive pt#2
AI successful with her. Hunt drive pt#1
@morrison_missy I keep boxes for just that reason. How about this 6 week old pup..
@morrison_missy this a my one of my pups at 4 month on black powder. Watch his drives.
@AlphaDogs @KennyLicklider
@AlphaDogs @KennyLicklider my basic test... And I was taking it easy on him.
Flight! 4-3-2013 12:30pm
Down sit!
@Leistunghund @mackjordann @alphadogs he doesn't slow down, ears don't come up & does not gather himself.
@AlphaDogs @KennyLicklider @MrJackO precision...
@AlphaDogs @KennyLicklider 10 months....
@AlphaDogs @KennyLicklider @MrJackO precision...
@LowPro_ Eligible for the Nationals & World... Decoy, Mark Torrence.
@SmileItsKara @alphadogs @mcdonaldluther This is rubble..
@MrJackO  @KennyLicklider @AlphaDogs reach for the stars bitch! ( female Dutch Shepherd )

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Cornelius Bonaparte

Washington DC

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