@necrofusionist My Charlie Brown chrissymass
@Zak_Bagans r u F'n serious!!!!! I'm soooo jelly right now!!!! These guns could use a lil of that in their life!
@michael_c_hall is sooooo sexy!
@tyrabanks #RedLipSmize
My babies from another mother
My lil pony game app. Woot.
Sweet wine for a sweet loner. Riesling Chardonnay moscato mix.
F this day.  This bottle is going down!!!
@Vh1Cage find one happy thought and build on it. Don't let negativity consume u. Everyone deserves to be happy.
@Zak_Bagans ok one last tweet.  

U gotta look at the pic....
@Zak_Bagans u ever had white chocolate popcorn? 

@Zak_Bagans this  took me way over the top.
@Zak_Bagans have one of these!
@Zak_Bagans u need a lil of this!

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Alissa Johnson

Vegas Baby!

May the bridges i burn light the way... Hair Stylist! 25 y/o, Health/Fitness addict Dancer at heart. Conquer!

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