Happy 12th man day! #12Day
@LouMalnatis Thank you for the pizzas! Great to be able to get some shipped to Seattle! Miss the Schaumburg pizza!
I've sent it twice now to Wynn's phone
Almost back home!!! We're on a BOAT!!! ...she said we're on a back of a HUGE raven flying home. ???
Playing with this cool little Zither app... It actually plays well and has various tuning options too!
Boil away my prettiest!!!! Tripe, kidney, beef, clams, bok choy, wood ears, and more....
My sweetie looking VERY happy at hot pot!  @GypsyRaven LOVES her food! ....ok... So do I! Excited!!! Yum!!!
Pig's ear.... Mmmm...,
Woohoo!!! Hot pot time!!!! I'd hate to be hungry if you were following my tweets!
Croissants at the French Bakery for us.... Yum!!!!
Nintendo with  @GypsyRaven and Mario...
At gasworks park....
Oh no!!! The troll got  @GypsyRaven!!!
Mmm... Dark chocolate drink....
Heading into Chocopolis with  @GypsyRaven.... Mmmmm...
Pies... For breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner... Woohoo!!! Off to Chocopolis now...!!!
Ribs... Demolished! Fries here are awesome!!! Yup! She shared.... Mmmmm.....
Mmmm... Clams in pesto... And bread!
Look what came in the mail today... Hellooooo nurses!!!
Nice! Lunch at the Columbia Tower Club! Contact me if you want to be a member! 30% off dues now!!!
At Archie McPhee...

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Mark Mizuno

Redmond, Washington

All about living with passion... music, guitar, business, Real Estate, love...!

web www.myspace.com/MarkMizuno


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