I had chills from watching all the jets. The Snowbirds were amazing.  https://twitter.com/marga123/status/630209332597100544
Just picked up my prize - a Pegasus R4 unit from @WitzEducation.
Mind officially blown. Thanks guys, you rock!
Best sign at the Capilano suspension bridge. #Vancouver
Shooting at a biochemistry conference. Just reading the titles of the talks make my head hurt. #nerdsRock
Staying entertained while waiting to see the doctor.
More fireworks.
Fireworks from our balcony.
View from my balcony. Sad a few morons can do this.
Saw this while driving by. Went in but it was the last day so only crappy old clothes left. Maybe next time.

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Mauricio Orozco

North Vancouver, BC, Canada

photographer & educator

web www.orozco.ca


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