23 Jan 2016 08:28


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posted by TamieWilson 28 Jun 2016 19:57

I love all of your music! Ahhhh

posted by L H 23 Jan 2016 17:09

Oh man. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night. I'm probably going to be the only half Moroccan half Salvadorian person in the audience so would appreciate a shout out Smilie

posted by laurieket 23 Jan 2016 16:20

Thank you for these little videos of your piano tributes to Mancini and others -- they're a refresher when my little girl's mornings are stressful, I put them on and voila, a momentary state of clam. Smilie In addition, she gets a little lesson in culture!

posted by nathanharvell 23 Jan 2016 09:35

You are so talented... I always wanted to learn the piano...My mom was to poor to afford lessons...and being poor no one knew owned a piano...We moved so much growing up it wouldn't of mattered anyway if had or started in music class in school...I love the piano and violin though the most...well we know I love music...just the instruments I always wished I had came from little better off family as to own a violin is def. not a poor kids instrument...LOL...

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