.@RelUnrelated I baked fruitcake last night

at Darlington Provincial Park near Oshawa, ON.
oh yum...kitchen smells sooo good. canning pizza sauce made with heirloom tomatoes from my garden.
sewing project - the Buttercup Purse with modifications :) 1/3
here you go - thought I'd sent it! we play tonight, Sat, Mon & Tues

make sure you introduce yourself between songs!
quince!! made membrillo, jelly & preserves. Love the colour change from raw thru cooking :)
.@TheBloggess amen! felt the same way on twisty mountain roads in BC on Sunday. SO needed the drive.
home-made bread-and-butter pickles
haven't had this happen before while canning (although it is a known risk with older jars)
1 year since my VSG - thought you might like to see this:
feb 2012, jul 2013, jul 2014
thanks for your support!
listening to Dan Barker jamming on "Imagine" at #INR4
birth of a birthday cake-choc cake, salted caramel buttercream, pecans, salted caramel, bittersweet ganache...
3 hrs in the garden today - turned over most of 200 sq ft of soil, laid plank pathways, planted a few things...
now 167 & change. thought you might get a kick from my Purim costume :)
@Karnythia yay baking!!

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Vancouver BC

godless Canadian liberal skeptic accountant who bakes cookies, decorates cakes, cross-stitches naughty sayings and sings in a Jewish folk band.


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