@tropkillaz dropping that @YELLOWCLAW in Moscow
@LnyTnz Moscow earthquake
dissecting a thesis is a great way to spend your weekend everybody!
Wait, what? I thought Google was censoring piracy...
Omg. Ministerie van Justitie & 'Veiligheid' privacy fail. Learn to BCC.
Woah there, Facebook. Rolling out new features again, are we?
Are you f--ing kidding me!?
dissecting a thesis is a great way to spend your weekend everybody!
Voor de gemeente Den Haag... die het over een tsunami van Oost Europeanen heeft... Hier het verschil.
Kanye West vs Finland haha
Looks like there's 2 categories of pirates. Those that spend more on music than non-pirates and those that spend a lot less.
Facebook users less likely to buy music after talking to artist
Google Ads Placement Fail (Rabobank = Sexists) ^_^
NS fail +1
lol @wisestamp
turn your facebook profile into a pirate ^_^
Wait... Gmail... why can I see the BCC list of an email sent TO me?
kennelijk ben je in Utrecht niet verplicht in te checken op de dagen dat je vrij reist #ovchipkaart
OMG! Noooo! We're doooomed!  (LOL @ music industry propaganda / pop-aganda / pop agenda)
kennelijk ben je in Utrecht niet verplicht in te checken op de dagen dat je vrij reist #ovchipkaart
Volgens van der Laan is verplaatsen van problemen ten koste van burgerrechten dus gewenst?
lol 'pioniers'... *zucht*
graties smoothies @ Utrecht Centraal

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Bas Grasmayer


Futurist and Serial Expat working on my final thesis about the future of music distribution.

web www.basbasbas.com/blog/


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