@rumblepurr @petiethecat One last example of @Fiona_Kitteh getting a cuddle on HER terms... #ph4ever
@rumblepurr @petiethecat Here's @Fiona_Kitteh appropriating my lap for another cuddle! #ph4ever
@rumblepurr Here is @Fiona_Kitteh TAKING a cuddle as is her royal prerogative. #ph4ever
Here's @Fiona_Kitteh TAKING a cuddle, as is her royal prerogative!
Fiona_Kitteh Lap 01
Somebody here is annoyed at all the attention @IAMLILBUB got from me tonight...
@MadLabM @inquarters14 Here is the breakfast I just had.
"It's 3:54 pm. Time for high tea. CHOP CHOP!"
@Fiona_Kitteh hanging out on my lap:
@ItsMeDeaner here is @Fiona_Kitteh, guarding my suspenders.
Fiona the Diva relaxing on the bed:
@Cat_MarsEchelon It is a great lounger. @fiona_kitteh can stretch out on it, although not in this picture ROFL
Tip for Cat Households: Fold freshly laundered clothes and put away immediately. DO NOT WAIT. Otherwise this happens.
Keeping an eye on the remotes.
Somebody has occupied one of my drawers:
@TuffyCat @ItsMeDeaner Here is Fiona the Diva:
@AmyResnick I'll see that clear day and raise you another:
@Fiona_Kitteh likes to find me and take a nap near me:
Photo Booth 2012-12-25

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New Jersey, USA

Staffperson for the dearly departed Mulder_Cat and Scully_Cat. Honorary member of the Whiskas Liberation Front.


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