The time is here folks!! Join REAL men for REAL talk on REAL issues affecting our lives.  #TheChopUp
The time is here folks!! Join REAL men for REAL talk on REAL issues affecting our lives.  #TheChopUp
Ladies, what questions do you have about men and marriage? Join us tomorrow for a live Ustream event! #TheChopUp
Morning! Tomorrow join the discussion as we hear from the hearts and minds of men on Love, Life and, Family. #TheChopUp
Men, do you have healthy family relationships? How have strained relationships affected you? #TheChopUp
Gents, what do you think your responsibility to your local community consists of? #TheChopUp
Ladies, want an honest answer to some of your most burning questions? Tune in 7/31 @7pm
Ladies, why do you think so many men hesitate to make a commitment  when it comes to getting married? #TheChopUp
My wife  @BaldHeadQueen sharing her story
Ladies, what's your definition of manhood. Who personifies it to you. Respond are save your questions for "The Chop Up"
Gents, want a forum to discuss the issues that affect you? Join me for a live U-Stream event 7/31@7pm
This has GOT to be the MOST EMPTY WalMart parking lot EVER!!!
Sooo......... Driving down the highway and see this place. Seems legit.
Please join @jermainelewis @jonbibbs @thebrownsman and yours truly for evening of conversation.

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Lover of life, God, and all things luxury. Life is not a destination, it's a journey. Enjoy the ride!'


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