@that_guy_chino πŸ˜„
I was wrong about which porcelain doll she called Molly. It's this one, AND SHE MADE ME TAKE IT HOME!!!!
I was wrong about which porcelain doll she called Molly. It's this one, AND SHE MADE ME TAKE IT HOME!!!!
And this is the one she calls Molly πŸ˜‚
Plenty more where all this came from:
Not creepy at all, huh?
I'm all trying to catch rays, and I look over at @tophercoomes and see this:
Found my passport from the 90s!!!! The Molly, circa July, 1995 (21 fuckin' years ago! 😱):
.@PHISHpointO  @StrongPROGress  @JeremyLLandis Mah boooyyyzzzzzzs ☺️☺️☺️
"Come on, mullet, work for ya boy."
@okdeadhead @Ldephill Duuuddeeeessss...It was so spicy I was burping fire for 34 hours...
Aww you sent me 7! Thank you!!!
Sexism, racism, and privilege (well put):
@Ldephill We will not be sticking to the rivers and lakes we're use to.  
Punchbowl falls:
1 more... I just love these.
There was a gutter punk on Frenchmen writing love poems on her TYPEWRITER. She wrote this 1 for @tophercoomes & me.
His/her end was the road. 
@tekiek and this is Lilly:
@tekiek I'm so delighted you tweeted this thought! πŸ˜„ This is Adeline:
Last one, I promise.
Look how nice I am, y'all. 😏 allowed this to happen the entire flight:

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Molly McDonald

Jacktown, MS

Fun & Friendly. Lover of life, music, animals, nature, progressive thinking, draft beer, & offensive humor. I cuss & spew rants; consider yourself warned.


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