@WH1SKS What about these diggers? x
@WH1SKS Does this photo of a tractor help make you feel better? x
@debsa @DavieLegend How about this, Debs?
@DavieLegend @clarissaharrisa Not as much as this one.
@MumblingMak @DavieLegend This might change your mind.
Here's one.
Out for a walk with my dog and my fake cow.
But apart from that it's perfectly safe.
So, I wanted to show you the chair that died in the process of saving my life, when I fell out of the loft (12').
Lunch here today.
Look how big my hand is.
Fuck it, here's a photo of a parrot.
@debsa these are mine
Today's horse photo is a pig. A very pretty pig.
When things get heavy on Twitter I normally post this photo of my yacht. Enjoy it people. x
I took another horse photo to post on Twitter because I care about you lot intensely.
However, here is my much more successful second horse photo attempt.
Here is my first horse photo attempt.
First official picture of the iPhone 5. You'll immediately notice is how much smaller it is than the 4S.
@dandonde Here you go...
Amazing to think that this is Jackie Stallone pictured just two years ago.
Entered my scrotum in a Jackie Stallone look-a-like competition. Please see attached images.
I just took a close-up photograph of your hair. Quite interesting results. What shampoo do you use?
This was Newcastle, just before a "month's worth of rain" fell in 2.5 seconds.

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