@dr_megalomaniac Downloaded & opened here okay.
@ImpassionateK Working on it, working on it… :)
Pure UR no.5 GET! #llsif (Meanwhile, the EN game still refuses to give me *any* URs..)
@carvott Have a catgirl to help you resist. :)
Woot. All-idolised Pure team. :) (Scout token from Honk event got me the centre Eli.) #llsif
> TIL Alien / Aliens have been re-rated as 15 by the BBFC.

15-yr-old me whimpers “F**k that!” from under the bed.
Looks accurate to me.
First action in new JP #llsif : exchanged some seals for some vouchers, hit jackpot. Result. :)
Deep Space Network paying *lots* of attention to New Horizons this morning (NHPC) this morning. Can't think why.
@ChrisBeveridge Nope, still blank. Although purple-haired girl's a ringer for Cure Fortune...
> mfw a 3-song EX medley FC gets flushed because #llsif can't connect to the server to tally up the event points.
Event token stockpile: spent. That'll do. #llsif
I concur with this suggestion. https://twitter.com/llconfess/status/603609120625700864
Spend 35LP to level up & get a voucher draw (80% SR / 20% UR). The 2hrs wait is going to kill me. #llsifworldproblems
The rest of the #llsif neon outfit cards. Waant.
The rest of the #llsif neon outfit cards. Waant.
The rest of the #llsif neon outfit cards. Waant.
The rest of the #llsif neon outfit cards. Waant.
Yeah, I need me some of this.
Those neon outfits are a series. If I was setup to pay for JP #llsif I'd be going broke now.
Those neon outfits are a series. If I was setup to pay for JP #llsif I'd be going broke now.
A collective 'wgaf', then. That's unfortunate.
Late to the game, I've just been introduced to the Hatoko / anti-chuuni rant. A thing of beauty.

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