@iAgile5 LOOOOL! yaaa shqoool, I'm working on this wallah ;D ripping a DVD !! & no it's not what u think! Damn you.. ;D
faraaaaaah! Look at the second phrase... !!!
I think I'm turning to be like the Hulk!! Don't make me angry...
@Sara_wolf ;D
Dancing in the dark "Acoustic" LOVED IT...
@SpawnGeneral testing bitch... ;p
Woke up to 2 buckets (2 gallons) of garrett's popcorn caramel! What a perfect timing sister, thank YOU! ;D
You shut up ;P ... What about now....
Oooh I got you now ;D see this and tell me more darkness or less ;D
How about this pic!! ;D
This is my cards for the "Russian Hand" it's been along time since I play it ;D
Thaaank uu ;$ I'm and here is a pic ;D and enjoy it too ;~)))
OMG! his eye almost gone. What a good fight.
My new favorite channel <3 "OutdoorHD" it's AWESOME!
Who ever made this chocolate, is EVIL!!
This my last result in shooting. My gun was Magnum .44 <3
Listen to the birds sounds .. They are so amazing and cute :~)
Do i have to say the words ?!!
Check the jets and the beach

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