Spend my money growing trees in Amsterdam. #lolselfie
Advantage NED! #BRAvsNED
Another awkward moment #BRAvsNED
@AphroditeSW For reals
@EndlessKate Some sun.
Guerrilla feminism near #WWDC / #AltConf
Guerrilla feminism near #WWDC / #AltConf
Guerrilla feminism near #WWDC / #AltConf
Guerrilla feminism near #WWDC / #AltConf
Lemurs ascendant
Mixed opinions on Delta today.
Not making a joke. That’s just how I roll.
One step closer to my goal of visiting every Apple desktop photo.
New Lemur, Regent Street
Status: London
If you can find us, you can sample our stash. #NSChocolate #NSConf
The arches I have been overlooking from my room in Malta was a quarantine hospital whose guests included Lord Byron.
The cats share the tower of solitude, further evidence of impending a-paw-calypse.
@EndlessKate Wiebel, Wobbel, stretching.
@EndlessKate Wiebel, Wobbel, stretching.
Man, they really love Ruby in this town. #Appsterdam
Today in Dutch cuisine, @tristan consumed two bitterballen and a frikandel.
New mustache, just in time for meow-vember!
Unintentional bonus cuteness from my Game Center avatar thanks to iOS7.

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Mike Lee


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