Saw my boy brad today it was sweet he's doing pretty good just incase u were wondering
@dazediammine is a complainer because she can sleep through her snoring but when I do it it's sacralige! Sheez
Going back to the room to play cards and eat junkfood, Next time u come order the "bloody smurf" from fat tuesday! Best drink ever!! I promise...
Man it's beautiful out here! Soak it in...
Awwww I love my dog☺, watching @svpshow as we speek!! Get it SVP!!!! Oh and squash guy is a tool...
Eating at fuddruckers with my woman and my little bro!
Eating at fuddruckers with my woman and my little bro!
Eating at fuddruckers with my woman and my little bro!
Eating at fuddruckers with my woman and my little bro!
U ever sit up at 145am and wonder who can hit the longest wii homer ??

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