Getting photo or video of Melody’s new teeth is not going well so far.
Past half done with this week! Here, have some baby giggles.
@agirlcalledbob @neuralclone @A1mee_A @PadmeA @que_divertido Tried one more time for runner cheers. Sorry guys.
Spotted Anita from Silence in the Library in line. #whopanel #wwphillycc
Feeling good about our end game chances for @posthunt!
I recommend stacking your cats in perpendicular orientation for maximum stability.
This iris and its general disdain for the groundskeepers’ intent. “Sun’s over here, guys!”
My sweet little kitty bros.
Kitty Wash, giving zero fucks about how he *should* sit on the couch.
And Mal finally won round 2 in the battle of the box.
“U no give up box? Fine, I bogarts sunbeam.”
Wash has the box. Mal wants the box. First he tried over, then under. Wash won.
Wash has the box. Mal wants the box. First he tried over, then under. Wash won.
Ok, most unflattering light ever, but here’s the True Blood Violet costume I was working on. :)
Live updates from Drafty McDeckDoor. (I improved that.) ~2.5-3 inches from round 2 so far.
Live updates from Drafty McDeckDoor. (I improved that.) ~2.5-3 inches from round 2 so far.
Heh, here is a shot of Drafty McDoor...looks like it was windy.
@vonmc Threaded it myself yay! Am now ready to frak up with extreme rapidity.
Found this excellent D*C 2013 memento while cleaning up the sewing room. cc: @vonmc @donttrythis
@vonmc look, I took it out of the box*! (*which is not to imply I've done anything constructive with it.)
No, Wash, that's not how you're supposed to chill on the couch.
Is anyone familiar with the trim on the waistband of these pants? Finding various knit trims but nothing quite right.

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