This is what happens with 3 immature brains and a night of scattegories/wine/beer/f'dupcamelshots @rgoldkamp @Smitherbreech
So exited she peed herself  @northcoastfest  @rgoldkamp
Road trippin' with my main bitch out Chicago! I see youuuuu #NCMF
Oh yeah baybe
Hahah  @Bhudd15  @rgoldkamp #baybe
What upppp  @Smitherbreech
We are the power roommates of stl
@Smitherbreech lies like a rug! #cowboysnumberonefan  @RuckerSouthSide
My new bestie @lollapalooza @ktcaesar
@djafrojack is staring at meeee #turnupthelove
Otter poppin' @marinat34 #gangles
RT @jp3773 Just got my lolla tickets and bracelet in the mail!!! Very stoked!!! #RoboBeats
My bangin @skrillex outfit
@Just_Askin #kelseyalt
I'm responsible for this little boog
@cpetree9 my cleavage looks great in this pic "never tweet yourself!!!" baha
@cpetree9 we've got pink vodka and penis lights
Accidentally stole a duffle bag full of golf balls  @cpetree9
You da bestttt  @RuckerSouthSide
Love it #lakerat
My number one lake rat  @krissykoehly
I am pretty sure I am the definition of bad luck
God I love you Blaire! Biscuits and gravy cass
#np I just had sex  @JenniferLamm @b_hallemeier

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Channing Osborne


There are two kinds of people I don't trust: people who don't drink and people who collect stickers.


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