Starting the morning with the perfect anthem for a busy day., @Beatlejase
♬ 'Jolie Dae' - Fred Fung & Jason Levine ♪
Hey, @Delta…do you know that the poster in every jetway shows a young woman with her earbuds in the wrong ears?
Well played, unnamed airline entertainment system. 
Well. Played.
Remodeled restrooms at MSP are very pleasant…much less "bus station." However, I do wonder how much these cost.
Because only @OctaneBoy knows for sure…
RT @thenewstarship "DONE KIRK
William Shatner #StarTrek "

No, this:
@AdamBaldwin He will become…Syndrome!
View out my window looks like the backlot of "Burn Notice."
Hey, @Delta…I spotted this contraption by Gate F1 at MSP this morning. What is it for? TIA.
Part of my office today. 
I'm working on a Star Destroyer.
Listening to "Two Hearts" by Phil Collins ♪ when I saw this in the bookstore. 
Today's "client du jour" shows up with two new iMacs for video playback…and Mini DisplayPort dongles. #USB-C
Spray car.
Rinse car.
Dry car.
Turn around and…
After *years* of Twitter conversations with the lovely and talented @QueenOfCBR, me finally met face-to-face!
Forgot to send!
Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have a winner to the "What The Heck Does This Key Go To?" Challenge!
Anybody recognize this key? Do you know what it's to? #askingforafriend
Outside my office today:
Sitting outside at the poolside grill. It's warm, but not unbearable.
Hello, Phoenix. 
Why yes…I *do* like big buttes. #twelveyearsold
@chuckwoolery @markyoungtruth Tried to get Australian Dream Back Pain Cream, but…
Stand by, San Antonio.

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Chris Eschweiler

The Twin Cities

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