Nice location for #bbc09 #berlin
@michaelreuter hauptsache trocken im flieger, #untermvordachtwittern
Detail of rose
Impressed by work of latvian blacksmith. Handmade rose from iron
#design #fail
Just #offline
#a3 gesperrt bei #köln und #unfallgaffen von gegenspur
Enjoying a bottle of water, a banana and this scenery #fb
Ist doch alles #pusteblume
At maria in der aue, one of those not well known yet amazing hotels near cologne, nice place for a congress
Looking good, spaceburger
Abpfiff 5-0 und die sonne kommt raus #bayer04
3-0 torjubel castro #bayer04
1-0 #bayer04
In der Ltu-arena mit @pelu107
Beautiful rur valley looking towards hill400, area of very harsh combat near end of ww2, sad to know the past of such stunning place
Decapitated a  baby snake with the mtb, didnt see it. Sorry little thing
Taking a break in the sun before taking the downhill to #altenberg
Very nice bike-trail near cgn
Found this fellow while he was sunbathing, enjoying the sunny day just like me

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Christian Schmitz


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