@KyleCGShore that face man it’s hilarious πŸ˜‚
@NoBuffZone typical example of 113 via kodi on android box. Internet browser on PC always great but any ideas fix
Joe loving the @nufc classic shirt on FIFA ultimate team @AyozePG with the chip πŸ‘Œ
Always practising
@dapperlaughs think my 5 year old knows where babies sleep πŸ˜‚ #crib
Joe took a hell of a beating tonight with this sublime finish
@KyleCGShore here you go πŸ˜‚
@vitalPTlorna so it won't allow you to do this?
Looks like plenty to choose from on @NoBuffZone today πŸ‘ Nufc match for me but whatever you want they have
Text off Joe this morning before school he was a tad happy with his chip on FIFA.
@MichaelGallon this is what I did to my son the other night
Those wanting streams just get a Β£60 android box from retail gadgets & use @SportsAccessSE for all matches HD quality
So Joe who's 7 has just scored the most outrageous goal I've ever seen on FIFA
And here it is in action @BenfieldVW
@john9mc @steveoineson here's a vid of the quality
@Tesco no problem here you go it’s finally up and he’s loving it
@NorthernJam only drawback is bloody Dennis wise is the pundit in the studio

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David Renwick

Wardley, Gateshead

34 years young, married to @renchez with two sons Joe and Alfie, NUFC, the gym, fan of @geneticsupp and Branch Accountant @benfieldvw Silverlink


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