2,25m in Dortmund today! Very happy with the confirmation that I can jump these heights, without it being a day where everything fits together. I feel this is a solid basis to build on, but there's definitely some building left to do. So on we go!
3 Feb 2018 19:19

2,25m in Dortmund today! Very happy with the confirmation that I can jump these heights, without it being a day where everything fits together. I feel this is a solid basis to build on, but there's definitely some building left to do. So on we go! 

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Haha, dat was te verwachten. Ik wist dat het, na de wedstrijd van zaterdag, lastig zou worden om scherp aan de start te staan vandaag. Dat dit toch lukte, het inspringen super goed was en ik de aanvangshoogte van 2,16m in één keer haalde zorgde ervoor dat ik toen ook al een beetje tevreden was. Dat was natuurlijk niet handig en toen was "alle Luft raus" en haalde ik de 2,20m niet. Nu even pauze en een weekje trainen, dan gaan we weer verder! 2,25m in Dortmund today! Very happy with the confirmation that I can jump these heights, without it being a day where everything fits together. I feel this is a solid basis to build on, but there's definitely some building left to do. So on we go! A small change of plans. Due to some minor foot problems after my competition last weekend, I won't be jumping in Gent tonight. Nationals is only one week away and I want my foot to be 100% there.

So the only competition for me this week was as a spectator in Düsseldorf on Tuesday together with @pablooehl. I must say, we saw some high level athletics! 📸: @erki67
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