#dpc10 more prizes at the closing: github subscriptions!!
More stuff to raffle: Komodo licenses!!
#dpc10 more swag. We will raffle a subscription to Linux magazine at the end.
#dpc10 and another prize for our prize draw at the end: 2 of these Microsoft expression studio packages!
During the closing we will also raffle this facebook mug and rubic's cube #dpc10
If this is your handwriting then we have found your lost folder, find @lornajane or @ijansch #dpc10
If you stay until closing today, we will be raffling this facebook hoodie #dpc10 stay tuned for more!
#dpc10 picture from the social. Loads of fun and beer are being had.
#dpc10 picture from the social. Loads of fun and beer are being had.
#dpc10 if you have lost this green hat, you can find it on the registration desk
#dpc10 we have found a camera. Dm @dpcon if it's yours or come to reception

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