this is way harder than it looks! that 2A pickup is a motherfucker
god this character is FUN @coolgarydotnet
here we go
linne corner stuff
i guess now that i have no job i’ll have plenty of time to practice Linne combos
the only way byakuya could be cooler is if he was a girl
let’s see if it actually uploads this time
six thousand damages
okay i think this is as much as i can get without the corner
it’s not the most practical starter but this is like the easiest 3.8k i’ll ever get with this character
i don’t even think i got max hits out of that super but w/e
eltnum is cool
the IW ender is probably a bad meter investment but it looks dope as fuck
baby’s first Nanase bnb
baby’s first Nanase bnb

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snack queen

dreamless world

hi i am adrian, i like fighting games and vocaloids and i'm really gay; 24/girl/midwest; in yuris with @primausa



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