@VeronicaRoth this is baby cinnamon taking a nap after much playing.
@thefatdarrell Tiger, meet Tigger! And your kitty's belly is so cute! <3
Wait, here it is. It sings.  #thisisnotsf
@karenclaunch @aaalisson I can't even. Too bad the trolley just went by, would've been the cherry of ridiculousness.
More GCT. Waiting for my train, staying my hardest to be as faaaar away from Posman's as possible. (Sadly.)
Hunter for the win! Cross your fingers, folks. Tightly. :D
How can I be mad at my cat for looking so darned cute while sitting atop my reading? I can't turn the page, though.
Tigger is chewing on my carefully placed, color coordinated post-its. He's having more fun than me.
@callme_jc Roosevelt House! FDR an those stairs, though.... Eleanor would own each step.
Rain rain, go away.
Just another day on the train.It's good to know I've retained my innate Japanese sense of waking up just before my stop.
this is insane. (at the grocery store.) its going to take an hour for me just to leave the parking lot.
not a cloud in the sky. すごい青空。:)

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