A little of the fare from the Allure Bistro chocolate buffet.
Accidental arty hipster shot of Iris, my bike. We just rode down to the river at Dutton Park.  #fb
Seriously, look at it all. 35 bucks, delivered to my door! Thanks  @freshisthebest
I loves my library.
Robert Pekin talks about farm science and produce @  #tedxbrisbane. @caldron_baidu would dig this.
Tweeting a photo!
Here's  @deswalsh talking to us about viral video.  #podcampgc
My beautiful new tattoo.
@CraigyFerg I'm already a member of my own.
My lovely new tattoo  #fb
It really shits me how bogans are bastardising tattoo art.  #fb
Most awesome goofy Christmas present ever from  @aldellit
See, decorations are up in the office. #fb
These single ladies think you shoulda put a wing on it.
Dramas in the neighbourhood. Fire in flat next door. Small fire but old guy needs ambulance.
Look what I got for my birthday!! My very own bowl of ducks!!

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Kath Read

Brisbane, Australia

Geeky librarian, chatterbox and internet junkie.


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