@FOX10News Lakeside Drive flooded. Please take alternate routes.
To my SpaceGeeks in Mobile area. ISS will pass almost overhead between 9:28-9:39 moving NW to SE.
Donating blood today. Blood bus came to my office. #FB
Well. Looks like I have broken my hand.
@bytemonkey I don't know why they would honor something that looks like weed.
Gallo Italian Dry Salame. Do you want money before u go or settle up on return? I don't remember how much they are.
Gallo Italian Dry Salame. Do you want money before u go or settle up on return? I don't remember how much they are.
Headed outside to watch the ISS pass over Mobile.
I'm donating blood. Who else wants to save a life? #FB
Who said that there was a parking problem downtown? #FB
@latinamarie So how long were your cars parked in your back yard again?
Color Me Nice. Boys Wear. Um...What?  #SamsClub
@jimjfletcher @GrantImahara answering my question of "What was your scariest myth?" @MythBusters
@jimjfletcher I know that you and @RogueFrenchFry are in this photo...SoMeWhErE. Damn Ninja!
@GrantImahara has arrived and is setting up for the show.  @MythBusters
@BrianWright This song is for you.
I see you.

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Chris Stanford

Mobile, AL, USA

Amateur Radio Operator, Storm Chaser, Laser Technician

web www.yorkwoodyorkies.com/


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