Crowdsourcing session with  @tombarrett #blc12
@Braddo 's school IT  department's vision created on a day away from school without technology #blc12
@Braddo  Moving from an IT Maintenance department to a creative department #blc12
@Braddo 's brief history of information. From scarcity 0:1>accessibility 1:1 > ubiquity #blc12
Community spaces vs control and isolation at schools...closing off children from the world #blc12
What happens when we take technology (a natural extension of ourselves) away? #blc12
Students are starting to find their own ways how to use their cellphones in class.. Ex..note taking  #blc12
More than half of us will own smart phones by 2017 #blc12
More people have a mobile phone than have a sales increased as laptop sales decreased #blc12
@Braddo 's session how your 1:1 program is already behind #blc12
Strategies how you can help students overcome some of these obstacles- High 5 #blc12
Our (Brittaney, Silvia, Steve) final structure is loooooong :) #blc12
Shaping up to be a pyramid shape...feeling left out as a documenter #blc12
Working on structure ...testing possibilities #blc12
Our task instructions #blc12
Building our structure out of spaghettii and a marshmallow #blc12
In our group of 3 strangers with task of building a structure as big as we can #blc12 team from Ak, FL and Australia
I love how Geetha is holding her iPad against her beautiful colored Sari :) #blc12
Dr Geetha Narayanan Keynote presenter at #blc12- innovations as insights 5W and an H
Ernest Shackleton ...five people a purpose, hey can accomplish anything...want ad he placed in London newspaper  #blc12
@dkuropatwa 's session of "Learning is ..." visual design #blc12
Getting ready for my session"Learning to Blog FOR your Students" #blc12
Good vs. Bad curation ...important to credit #blc12 fear of Filter Bubble exists #blc12
We cannot "curate" with three ring binders ANYMORE!! Powerful visual @joycevalenza   #blc12

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Silvia Tolisano


Educational Consultant 21st Century Learning Specialist- Technology Integration- World Language Teacher



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