Crustacean goodness...
The Big House, Y'all...
A few of my favorite things... 
Not necessarily in order!
With @umich royalty... @DarrenCriss 
.@UMich Kunta is in the house... #bydhttmwfi
Back from South Africa and the set of ROOTS with a full heart...
When in Rome... and by Rome I mean South Africa!
South Africa, here I come...
Stop... Burger time!
Hangin' with my cultural maven @StephanieCozart! We're on our way to opening of @TheBroad...
So honored to be in this room tonight for this conversation... #bydhttmwfi 
@slate @NMAAHC
Thanks and praise to @patina_group, and everyone at Ray's & Stark Bar for another amazing Kickstarter reward dinner!
Thanks @DrBiden! Filling out @FAFSA is easier than ever... @arneduncan your turn!
Guess where I am...
My current situation... Baby Ren
I'm in love... #bydhttmwfi
#TBT... w/Alex Haley, author of ROOTS!
Wishes do come true! I finally got one of these of my own. Thank you, @MicaBurton
Cleveland... What an afternoon!
#TBT... Data & Geordi go sleuthing!
An appropriate finish to a Saturday workday...
Not sure why I was so angry about her return... #TBT
So long old friend...
So long old friend...
One last proper pint before I go...

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LeVar Burton

Los Angeles, CA

Actor, Director, Educator



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