Been reading this lately, The devil's advocate
Nah mumpung udah buka, what do you see in the card? :p
Great pose ! Superb :)))  @rifalissa
@SbuxIndonesia kenapa di starbucks indo blm ada ini ? :(
I want this badly :(((
Hari ini tol dalam kota GRATIS, dapat ini pulak
Teman tidur :)) #cute #robot #orange #lamp
And now my bed is huge., but nothing changed, i hate sleeping alone
Voila my bed is gone! Is it okay if i'm sleep in yours?  @rifalissa
Current wishes #3
Current wishes #2
Current wishes #1
Always have these in my bags for hunger SOS ;p
@myfashionistas yang galaxy 1 yg ini sygs :(
@myfashionistas yeay,, arrived :* can't wait to open it
@kikyerika it's one of pict of Ares's hot body which Luna can't resist,a cover from some sports mags in Filipine
And another one, alhamdulillah
Alhamdulillah pas laper dpt rizki.. Thank you, whoever you are
@faraghta inii sudah ga gelap kaan ?

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Liyta Basuki, MD

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Early twenties || General Practitioner || Dream Catcher || Pleasure seeker


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