Motie door Dion Graus
New things are happening fast in Wonderland.. .
Recently moved to Wonderland and this is what's happening between my saved snails and the locals.. (yes, love it!!)
Overmorgen premiere in het Humanity House - Ja, daar kan je bij zijn!
Vandaag, vrijdag 6 juni om 16:00 (tot laat) opent de tentoonstelling KOPSTUKKEN in Amsterdam in een fantastisch prachtig mooi pand: 'het huis met de hoofden'.

Op de Keizersgracht 123 kruipt mijn proj
I believe that I, for as far as possible, saved the dignity of the victims of the #RanaPlaza disaster in Bangladesh
Many #RanaPlaza victims mourned around my tombstone...
This lady cried and screemed in my arms.. She lost two children in the #RanaPlaza tragedy
When I came back for the #RanaPlaza memorial service, there were hundreds of people!
They invited me to come back in an hour for a memorial service, for the victims of #RanaPlaza
They placed the tombstone in front of the gate of #RanaPlaza
But the #RanaPlaza victims insisted that I would place my tombstone,
But when I arrived with my tombstone at #RanaPlaza, the gate was closed..
So, what happened on April 23rd at #RanaPlaza - My hotel arranged some help
Tonight they finished my tombstone! For the #victims of #RanaPlaza hh070
The making of a tombstone.. For the victims of #RanaPlaza #hh070
Today I picked up the tombstone that I had made for the #RanaPlaza victims.. #hh070
Today I went out to look for a gravestone company,.. #RanaPlaza #hh070
At the end of the day, while I was just thinking that all the victims who died here, deserve a respectful grave,
It was all heartbreaking.. #RanaPlaza #hh070
While walking around at #RanaPlaza I was shocked to find a human bone..
It was all so sad and I asked them how I could help. #RanaPlaza
Most of the photos they were showing me, were photos of people whose bodies were never found.. #RanaPlaza

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