There is not enough qualified technicians to meet this demand says Dallas Wijesinghe
What is refrigeration explained...
Frostaire training program at Frostaire House....
@sameera79 thank you :) @dialoglk
#Kindle on my android....
@rodakk This is what I printed :) @overheardatmoo
My FREE #MOO business cards are here! @overheardatmoo
What ya doing? ;)
Updating Ubuntu to 11.10 #OneiricOcelot
Updating Ubuntu to 11.10 #OneiricOcelot
Updating Ubuntu to 11.10 #OneiricOcelot
AspireONE totally Ubuntu'd including the Windows logo key...
Guess this is better than the product launch :P #dialoglaunch
Guess this is better than the product launch :P #dialoglaunch
Yes it is #Dell #Streak 5 they gonna launch #dialoglaunch
Welcome to #TweetupSL 2
Preparing for the #tweetupsl
Woot! Did u notice that the QR Code on the back of ur #TweetupSL t'shirt is embeded with link to your twitter profile
Check who's around colombo on #foursquare

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