Your Xbox Invitational World Champions! #SWC @TeamEnVyUs
Tricked out the MacBook pro.
Apparently my picture tweets are not loading. Here's a pic from the VIP room at the after party.
@Maclark89 @SashainLights @laconicbill3169 Video of liquid nitrogen vs turkey.
And so the journey to Denver begins.
Omg yes. Going to be sooooo good.
Dinner! Papa Murphy's Pizza. 5 meat stuffed pizza omg yes.
Dinner! Papa Murphy's Pizza. 5 meat stuffed pizza omg yes.
Dinner. Grilled chicken salad made my muah.
Chilling by the pool with a Bon fire and friends. Smores & tunes included.
Study Aid 101: Coffee.
Study Aid 101: Coffee.

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Blake Webb

iPhone: 35.855181,-83.572045

English major at the University of Tennessee - Knoxville. Love of music, technology, and friends. All hail Sinfonia.


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