Oh geez!
@MacfusionGirl reviewed in Neue and all works fine, quite strange. Not sure who is breaking it.
@LappyGirl look familiar :)
How many bot apps are on your homescreen (2?)
If you can't beat them, give it away --
Look at latest follower
A busy afternoon ahead
@Hoof_Harted check this out, over weekend (arco has a gas limit and this got me half tank)
Well I did as you suggested and still have issues
Dude is president of my fan club
here is another (is there anything I can do to stop this)
any idea why this happens so much when opening app on iPhone
@JDTrojan hear hear!
@JDTrojan that's my wife dog :) Meet my shadow Rupert
My turn #iOS Update #Twittelator
The coverup
My numbers are right where I expected.
Check out this app, I have always wanted an app like this...
Or perhaps you have cheated
So what runs our household
this one?
@twittelator thinking it'd be better use of screen real-estate if u hide image preview in list, show in detail
@ChelseyVeturis I opened #flipboard today and look what I see as top news! I knew right away who it was :)

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Mike Erickson

Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Independent software developer, specializing in database/web/iPhone development

web mikeerickson.wordpress.com/


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