Ok, so Little Photo sharing with Seesmic works better if you go via the gallery. Nice filters.
Trying out Little Photo for Android (its free) .... doesn't seem to gel well with seesmic but otherwise OK.
This has taken me forever to get to this point. Easy learning curve but the stitch pattern = bad idea
.@thezompus is mowing the devil strip. We do own a weedwhacker, but OK.
Trained only to sleep on the blanket. #kitteh
Aaaaaah Pedobear spotting in my neighbourhood (might have to zoom in a bit)
Canyon at the park:
And some tomatoes. The normal setting is pretty decent.
Testing out Vignette. Have a watermelon!
Saw this, thought of @sizemore (from City of Quartz by Mike Davis, the Fortress LA chapter)
Get your owwwwn you little bastards! Is this gophers or what?? :(
Its a late night fluffy kitty belly photo! Awwww!
Have felt like shit all day, its still too hot and now I have to go eat Thai food. I'd rather be back on the couch.
So this is happening right now (ft. @thezompus @tstymrshmallow)
.@elizarde help, I seem to have been given a free knitting machine:
The proper assemblage of dim sum for 13 people
Penguin feeding time!
Eggggg rollllls in the morning
Costco muffin!!!! I have to freeze the other 11.
Pizza and hotdog! I am completely obsessed with Costco hotdogs at the mo.
We are at the lake.  The lake is very blue.
@kelliebob DINNER

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Natalie Woo

Seattle, WA

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