thats right i blocked many against the robloxians for not deleting the tweets as he done he disobeyed me tommy is banned forever and stay away from me for disobeying my orders soon will suspended for violating the twitter rules
10 Dec 2021 12:19

thats right i blocked many against the robloxians for not deleting the tweets as he done he disobeyed me tommy is banned forever and stay away from me for disobeying my orders soon will suspended for violating the twitter rules 

tommy disobeyed my orders his alt too will suspended for good he violated the twitter rules his alt too he caused this

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posted by alpha wind 29 Dec 2021 14:20

now former shitposter go to world frvr and never come back as you done for not deleting the tweets and you too rodj for disobeying my orders and spike for doing bad stuff commited felony about cyberbullying child abuse predatory abusive behavior talibans making supremacist extremist disrespecting the other users too

posted by alpha wind 27 Dec 2021 17:26

why you double crossed xvbones is your alt and chavtommy is your real main same user for insulting becoming violent aggressive towards for not deleting the tweets as you done eboomitors is dead i will never return for heavy criticism you caused for offending other users and you are banned forever twitter will permanently suspend you for violating the twitter rules and disregarding about supremacy talibans supremacist hostile acts and extremist that was for hurting chuck a former shitposter

posted by alpha wind 26 Dec 2021 17:46

is the same user again thats tommy still insulting death threats that child abuser will suspended for violating the twitter rules and smuggling talibans cocaine drugs marijuana he still violate the twitter policy on this alt chavtommy fow now tommy is the threat child abuser he must be permanently suspended for violating the twitter rules and predatory behavior is not tolerated

posted by alpha wind 26 Dec 2021 16:58

twitter suspend the worst user tommy and this alt chavtommy for ban evasion smuggling cocaine drugs marijuana for a big fraudulent i knew im so angry against the fake users tommy his alt chavtommy will suspended for violating the twitter rules and sending death threats at other users too he said i kill you

posted by alpha wind 26 Dec 2021 16:45

tommy how dare you said death threats you had no choice and i heard your final words i kill you and i had enough you re no longer friends anymore now get out here right now im so angry for disobeying me and you are banned forever and will suspended for violating the twitter rules and your worst alt chavtommy too former shitposter for not deleting the tweets as you done about the talibans massacre you killer abusive behavior

posted by alpha wind 10 Dec 2021 23:15

thats right evil user tommy you said the final words i kill you and stop threating to death massacre you re brutal fatally yelling the other users you caused the cruelty acting hostility like talibans hostile conduct is savage like you however you deserved to be suspended for your actions and violating the twitter rules your alt chavtommy is suspended too

posted by alpha wind 10 Dec 2021 23:06

tommy this is all your fault i told stay away from me and you disobeyed me you talked about ghislaine maxwell trial now prepare to get permanently suspended for violating the twitter rules and your alt chav are suspended too and you didnt delete the tweets as you done im absolutely angry against you scen mathep kinda jamesfelicia fredistair steelblue rests of alts you broke the twitter rules and you are abusive harassing other users is not okay

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alpha wind

no one

that chavtommy deserved to being permanently suspended for violating the twitter rules killing jovenel moise haiti president

it was the kinda alt again he dared disobeying me i told stay away from me and delete the tweets as everyone done caused thats right i blocked many against the robloxians for not deleting the tweets as he done he disobeyed me tommy is banned forever and stay away from me for disobeying my orders soon will suspended for violating the twitter rules im untrusted against all the robloxians because i blocked many for disobeying me im angrily yelling stay away from me all robloxians who talked about me will suspended for violating the twitter rules
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