fun sh*t behind the scenes with @DebbieGibson at last nites grand slam charity event :)
my life motto
chillin like a villain..
no he wasn't giving himself a bath - this is just how my muthafkin cat kicks it sometimes...
Totally change my mind. THIS is my new fav temp... (subject to change if it goes up)
I think this may very well be my perfect temperature day... Not even kidding.
groovy moment 2day on the @tavissmiley show. @DaveStewart, @orianthi, @nikwestbass & @phenixrizin (amy keys) & moi
I call this one, "junk fruit"...
yes, I'm a 'found object artist'. (or I'm still 12)
at bomb shelter studios (eric from stp's joint).. Killer drum room..
They had camel rides :)
Yes, u r correct... I'm in Orlando
dear target-Plz stp selling ths tshrt. As u cn C, bad things cn occur. (hilarious guys @Steveharwell1 @frommsongs)
Tracking the new @smashmouth album in Vegas with @mikekmusic , @Mikeklooster, PD, and @frommsongs
Just got off stage with @TheRedlightKing... We SMASHED their skulls.
Just got off stage with @TheRedlightKing... We SMASHED their skulls.
i call this: "sitting on hotel room toilette at 6:38am"

it's an artform.
dig it.
a large ad I saw in a brazilian airport :) it's for a plastic pipe manufacturer.. and yes, you can relate all life things to drums.
and u thought hummer drivers were annoying?...devils advocate? Was prob easier parking there than finding a meter.
my view from my hotel room in rio de janeiro... :D
Just sayin...
cockpit view :)
uber awesome sounding Yamaha maple custom's I'm using out here in brazil-(not absolute series, the original shell)

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Randy Cooke


i hit round wooden objects



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