@cheflisapdx You're so cute in your pink jacket and UL apron! Havin fun at the #blogherfood conf?
Is that @mikejonespdx?  And The Whirlees?
Akron via some holler in Ala/Tenne/Ark/as- like they're playin some stinky gym @theblackkeyss
Yessss @theblackkeyss showing why they rule! At #TheCrystal #pdxpics
Traffic report for Portland
Lisa wants to know if you're from Philly. I can't remember. BTW, we here.
Hi! Mother's Best by Lisa Schroeder. She was on David Leite's show today, the Today show Wed. w Roker & Curry
Probably not the pig's best angle but Adam from Kountry Kat looks great!
@TheBuzzByBrian @TheNiceBrian Getting spanked. For his Bday. No really.
Yeah well I just took this vfore your tweet: Ima CCL!
I'm sometimes the last to know these things. Listen to attatched...
#deadweather @ Roseland. Suprisingly Prog. Argent/Deep Purple/Detroit Punk.

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Portland, Oregon, USA

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