Crack 4 eggs into a bowl and break up the yolks. Add 2tbsps of vanilla #BakeWithPunzie
Next, realize you forgot to locate your normal measuring spoons and use R2's arms instead #BakeWithPunzie
We are too impatient to wait for/work with softened butter so melt 4 sticks in the microwave #BakeWithPunzie
Ok. I think I have all my required Stuff. Got some Gorillaz for baking music. Let's get started #BakeWithPunzie
This is Zuko's new favorite spot, outside of my bed. (He's not eating the plant, he just likes to sniff it.)
The streets are kind of a mystery this morning. Better know where you're going
Tho since I've found him hanging out in the shower a couple times, I guess I shouldn't be surprised he brought toys
The shower is not a place I expected to find cat toys...
Current mood: I don't wanna go to work T_T Can't I be like the cat? Or can we switch and he go to work for me?
Zuko: I know this is where those other kitties live...
I guess he's settled into the new place alright
All that sniffing wore him out
Zuko still doesn't understand cat trees
Current mood: re-sniffing every nook and cranny of the house
Zuko likes the new house and his new human housemates
Zuko is not happy to be going to the new house. Very stress. Much nervous
I am here for the free pancakes. Thank you pancake day for falling on my day off while I still have an apt near ihop
Anyone need a modem and/or router?
Whoops. Cat gave up. Didn't even make it to the sun beam
Punzie has 2 homes. Most of my possessions may be in the new place, but my sweet boy is stilll here
New place, new bedroom. Time to break it in with a nap?
Cat is firmly back in lap
Does anyone need a pax program? I've got a few...
In the first box I found my original ds. So now I have 3. It had 1 game I was looking for & 1 I forgot I had

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