Dessert for Kirkalicious's birthday.
How good does this look?
I get to enjoy this for the next week.
I may not move from this spot the whole week I am here.
Look at that beautiful BrisVegas sky.
Evidence: the ponytail.
Look at that sky.
A view of the river at Karana Downs. Has another 15 or so metres to drop yet.
Still swelling. 11.27am
This is my friend T's back yard. The usual 20+ metre drop to the river level is now flush with her house.
Still rising.
River has broken it's banks here in the city/South Brisbane.
You'd never believe it was 10am by this photo.
My friend Shadow. He's a tripod.
On @amyob's recommendation, bamboo charcoal bun from Bread Top 4 lunch. Looks like poo, but is garlicky & crunchy.
I love this painting in a corner of Cafe Fiori at Kenmore Village.
Special moment. First fully operational computer at the new Kenmore library!
There's a glimpse of the elusive Energiser battery between the pole & counter.
Ugh, I'm back in The Claw.
The tasty, tasty canneloni I had for dinner tonight. Deeeeeeeeelicious!
Beautiful day on the bay at Brighton.
Took Iris out for a spin. Have stopped by the river for a cool drink in the shade.
This one is for  @lilabris
All these from the library.

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Kath Read

Brisbane, Australia

It's just me, wafflin' on... (librarian, chatterbox, class clown, friend to many)

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